Monday, September 26, 2011

Respect is the key.

Respect is the key.

Humans always will be going to trend to believe in something. Based in a scientific argue or based in theological or religious statements.

Is too hard that all humans get some agreement about different believes that can have all them. Rather than this, the best way is, first, understand that all we are different, even way to think, raze, culture, idiom, customs, etc. As a result, we have a huge variety of ideas, believes, theories, scientific or not.

Some people, who can´t tolerate who think different like them, take attitudes that want to convince to everybody else that they must change how think, act or believes. Even some people like this, using violence, discriminating or making stereotypes about different people than them.

In order to heal this issue, we always should have to understand differences among humans then, we can accept differences we are able to really tolerate.

Tolerance will contribute to establish a better world, where everybody can live, share space, resources and socialize. Education, from school, even child’s at home, where slowly, the society will going creating a new point of view about people who are different to us.

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