Ethnic Conflicts are those conflicts between two groups where their interests, culture, traditions, and other aspects are different. Without fear to take some mistake, the ethics conflicts come from the intolerance between members of the human race. Then when some different between some groups and it is very hard of tolerate it due to stereotypes or religious aspects, than become stronger than the feeling of humanity about other ones.
The stereotypes and discriminations are the causes that situations like this occur between people.
The most common example of ethical conflict is the racism, principally the aversion to the black the race. This, trough the history of humanity, has been marked like unfortunate people due their skin color. Since long time ago, ancient times, the black people was associated to the poor, the nasty and people inferior that only was able to work like animals, even in some times, this people was considered like stuffs and object or tool of work. This situation become turned in a group of feelings of intolerance and feels of superiority of nonblack people, and in other hand, feels of inferiority, hate, resentment and defensive from black people.
Another kind of conflicts ethics are those from religious reasons, philosophies, doctrines and dogmas.
Majority of people needs to believe in something, some that explains the non-explicable things. Caused by this, every civilization around the world has created a set of believes rules and style of live. This become deeply in the people, and it is spread to another’s and transmitted from generation to next generation. When this practices collide with the practices from other civilization, in a hard way, this turned in a friction very complicated, and it is not easy to resolve and get a neutral point and agreement between them.The religion, after the racism, it’s the most common away of be materialized some conflict ethnical.
In case of the watched movie, the kinds of differences said before, are showed, in different approaches. In one or other way, in every line of history in the movie, finally all them come to be se same. This is the case of the policeman racist (Matt Dillon), and the white woman rich (Sandra Bullock). About the religious reasons for conflict here have the discrimination of the American to the Persian Sir, and after the hate and prejudice from him to the locksmith Latin-American guy. At the end, in every life of the character in the movie, their life’s are intersected and the some way, the director send a positive message of each logical line in the movie.
For conclude, in my opinion, there exist a hope for the humanity. At the end, the solution in order live with these differences is to know that all us, are part of the same race, the human race, but inside it, exist variety, and our obligation it’s respect and tolerate who wants live different to us. We must to seed the good values, of tolerance, respect and capacity of accept than some people are different, they are not wrong, simply are different, simply, respect them.
Jimmy Navarro Castro
That is right; as soon we understand there is not perfect people in this world just different, and we will become to respect this differences, we are going to have a better place to live for everyone.
ReplyDeletehave anyone noticed that we made essays to realize that the world's current state is beyond bad? terrorism...jail sentences...peace (which there ain't any)...violence...WMDs...etc