The capital punishment is a controversial way that some countries of apply justice. It’s a source of controversy ant it also causes multiple opinions. Some of these opinions are in favor, other against. Personally I y am against it.
The death penalty consists in to killing to somebody in order to punish them due to a kind of fault, offense or crime to society or to somebody else. The kind of crimes that makes somebody guilty and be necessary to apply death penalty changes from a country to others. This variety depends on customs, culture religion and traditions. All these conditions determinate if a crime could be considered too offensive and only with dead of the implicated can pay the crime committed and refill the fault to society.
The controversy about execution always is focused on the question. Dead of people is enough in order to pay it fault? It is justice or it is murder? Anyway capital punishment could be considered vendetta or revenge from the offended. The main bases for supports of death penalty come from the ancient learn “Eye by eye, teeth by teeth” . The situation is when the detractors of it, like Ghandi said “Eye by eye and the world will be blind”. The controversy always will be there. The opinion of everybody will depend on how formed and how are their feelings.
Too many opinions from people who are against and supporters are confronted. The argues who are in favor says that some kinds of crimes can be only paid through the dead of the criminal due these crimes are considered too offensive. On the other hand, detractors think that the death penalty is not a solution and revenge is not a good way of making justice. Instead this they promote the forgiveness and pity.
Finally to summarize in my opinion the capital punishment must exist but in a positive approach. Could be like that some people are re-incident in a lot o crimes. There no exist other way. This people must to be eliminated from society. But if somebody committed any kind of mistake or a single crime is better try to forgive, a give them another chance. In other words people who always have behavior troubles they are an issue for society. In these cases I agree that this kind of people must be punished with death penalty.
Jimmy Navarro Castro