Monday, November 29, 2010

Globalization Week Organizer:

Puntarenas, Costa Rica

September 28, 2010

Globalization Week Organizer:

Last week, the university did several events associated to globalization week. I am glad with this kind of activities that the university has always presented.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t attend to any activity. But, I am very proud about this initiative that keeps the university always a step ahead, looking for new technologies contacting enterprises y teaching students. Not only in the technical areas, but also it teach us how to survive in the outside world. How to compete in a globalized world, what are the new trends, how should our behavior be facing situations, challenges. In other words, how to be successful as a professional, not only as a technician or engineer, rather as a human and coworker, with enough social skills that make us successful, and enjoy that success. This allows us that always keep updated and have an interesting and-or innovative our point of view.

I would like that the university increased the frequency of these activities, but also at night in order for me to be able to attend to some of these events.


Jimmy Navarro Castro

Global Warming

Global warming is the gradual increase of averages of the temperatures of the planet earth; it’s the atmosphere and the sea. From this point of view seems like a simple definition, but, did you thought already what really mean this? May be not, but the trouble go far way more than we can imagine.

This situation is caused by the CO2 released by humans in the atmosphere, near 30 billion of tones, even could be increasing now. The level has been coming rising and still continues, and nobody seems take an effective action against it.

The victims of this catastrophe are we all, including also all kind of life existent, but in a shorter term, is possible see how the poles are melting, and the level of the see has coming going up. This delicate consequence had caused human victims, because flood dead, hurricanes, droughts, and too many people has been harm by these “naturals” disasters.

At this point, could be possible, that the only one exit to the problem is make laws, in order to obligate to companies, people, and all us, take effective actions, and also avoid the practices that generate CO2 to the environment. Sadly, the power of money keeps the power of world, the heart and the common sense of owners of companies, that despite of all this warnings, they still keep their activities that pollute and causes to the warming of planet.

Some consequences are too easy of notice, but the situation is more complex, and scientific believe that the situation is more severe that it seems. We have melting glaciers, raising of the seas levels, this consequences are the cause of others delicates consequences, like hurricanes, droughts, pests, flood, etc. This all troubles, generates more bad situations, like looses of humans life’s, looses of wild life, after the crops cannot be picked up, and then this generate poverty and hungry, at the end, everything this a chain reaction cause-effect that all lead to a something. Death.

We can do several things I order to reduce this trouble. How? Conserving energy, changing lights for incandescent bulbs, saving fuel, reducing the use of the vehicle and always be sure that our car, accomplishes the rules anti pollution of the government. In our hands is the solution. Every one should have to do, something, simply, something.

By Jimmy Navarro


Monday, November 22, 2010

Human Rights and Domestic Violence

The Declaration of Humans Rights in it preamble intro, say , “Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world”, (UN 1948 This shows the “inherent dignity” subject, talking about dignity, any situation where some person feel some kind of hurt, abuse, exploitation or violence, this could be named a violation of the humans rights .

The domestic violence refers to “violence or physical abuse directed toward your spouse or domestic partner; usually violence by men against women” (Lexical Database for English), then when any member of family hurts in some way to another member of the family, the most common, a man, who injuries spouse or kids within the family By definition, in most of the times is the father who harms his wife or partner, also some of his sons or daughters.

Actually in CR the problem about the differences between men and women related with how the society takes the different points of view of their behavior (men and women), causes a series of trouble , among this we have the violence domestic. This kind of violence happens in all social levels, but it is most common trouble among poor people, who don’t enough education, in the aspects of emotional control and management of the feelings.

In fact, the last years, the government has made changes and improvements in the laws to protect the victims of this kind of violence, s well as to punish to people who committed this kind of crime I think that this is a corrective action, but the government should apply a campaign of education, eaching parents how to help their children on how to manage how manage the feelings and the frustration, to respec others, especially girls and how to detect learn how detect signs of violence in order to avoid some situation of aggression.

This type of violence can be physical but it can also be physiological, although sexual abuse is very common. For these reason, there are many consequences, like physiological damage to the victim, leading to an inability to have a normal life and socialize. Obviously this also causes physical harm, even in extreme cases the violent situation can end in death. Also, when some kind of sexual abuse happens, it frequently leaves a pregnant teenager behind.

In Costa Rica, although that authorities are fighting against this violence, mainly with women protection, the situation cannot be hidden, the number of cases still continue raising and raising and as I said before, it’s better to invest in education and prevention, thaninvest in protection, punish and corrective actions.

There is a close relation between this and poverty and/or unemployment. Unemployment generate s poverty, the poverty generate s a stressed full situation, where any reason can generate that a guy harms her wife or relatives. Also aspects like cultural ideas, stereotypes, when some individuals come from a family where domestic violence happened domestic violence, there is a very high probably that this people can be aggressor or victim and this becomes a vicious circle.

To conclude, an only thing we can do in order to contribute with some “tiny grain of sand” to reduce this disease of the society is one. Educate, educate yourself and educate to others, feed the human values from a spirituality point o f view. Learn how manage the hard situations and the feelings and socialize healthy. Also is important don’t tolerate situations like this, and denounce or inform against authorities if some of us know some case of these.

Jimmy Navarro Castro.

United Nations: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Retrieved September 14, 2010, from
Princeton University, Lexical Database for English, Definition for domestic violence, Retrieved September 14, 2010, from